Crypto Excel

Crypto coins. CryptoExcel robot and Excel download icon

How to install CryptoExcel.

Install CryptoExcel.

This article explains how to install CryptoExcel on your PC.

CryptoExcel is an add-in written in Python that extends Excel’s ability to connect to and trade on crypto exchanges.

Since the only programming language pre-installed in Excel on Windows systems is VBA, we need to add Python and its library to your system. Do not worry, you won’t even notice it and it won’t affect any other programs or Python installation you may have.

Follow the steps below.

  • Enter a valid email address in the form below. You will receive an email with a link.
  • Once the download is complete, you will find a zip folder in your PC download folder. 
  • Unzip
  • Close all excel files.
  • Double click on Install.bat. 
  • If Microsoft Defender message pops up click <more info> and then click <run anyway>. These are normal procedures for a new installation… Do not worry!
  • Open CryptoExcel.xlsx 
  • Click enable editing, save, close and reopen CryptoExcel_test.xlsx. Start using it.
  • Please contact us if something went wrong.
screenshot of unzip comand
How to unzip CryptoExcel
CryptoExcel unzipped files
Install bat file

Attention please.

We are rebranding the add-in from ShieldTrade to CryptoExcel. If you find ShieldTrade read CryptoExcel. Sorry for the inconvinience.

Remove CryptoExcel.

Double click on remove CryptoExcel.bat for uninstall.

If you want to undo the above process and manually remove everything that was installed, go to C:\Users\your PC name\AppData\Roaming\  

This is called %APPDATA%

  • Remove xlOil.xll from %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART.
  • Remove the %APPDATA%\xlOil directory.
  • Remove the %APPDATA%\ShieldTrade directory.

Enter your email and download CryptoExcel for free !!

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