ShieldTrade has more then 100 supported crypto exchanges, including the biggest ones like Binance, Okx, Bitmex Coinbase, Kukoin, Kraken.
There are 2 main functions families to connect Excel to your crypto exchange: public and private.
The Public functions does not require any registration on the crypto exchange.
In practice you can access all the information you see on the crypto exchange website in real time without logging in. These includes books, trades, trades history, candles history, founding rates ecc.
You can use all public functions immediately and without any need to open an account. Just enter=st_watch_book(“crypto exchange id”,”BTC/USDT”) in a cell in excel and ShieldTrade will do the rest.
The Private functions enables typical operations of the authenticated user: sending orders, balances, position, coin transfers ecc.
If you want to use the private functions you need to authenticate first. If you want to know more about API authentication read this article.
If you want to know the crypto exchange id just enter = st_supported_exchanges() in a cell in excel and you will get a list of more then 100 crypto exchanges supported by ShieldTrade.
ShieldTrade id | Name |
ace | ACE |
alpaca | Alpaca |
ascendex | AscendEX |
bequant | Bequant |
bigone | BigONE |
binance | Binance |
binancecoinm | |
binanceus | |
binanceusdm | |
bingx | BingX |
bit2c | Bit2C |
bitbank | bitbank |
bitbns | Bitbns |
bitfinex | Bitfinex |
bitfinex2 | Bitfinex |
bitflyer | bitFlyer |
bitget | Bitget |
bithumb | Bithumb |
bitmart | BitMart |
bitmex | BitMEX |
bitopro | BitoPro |
bitrue | Bitrue |
bitso | Bitso |
bitstamp | Bitstamp |
bitteam | BIT.TEAM |
bitvavo | Bitvavo |
bl3p | BL3P |
blockchaincom | |
blofin | BloFin |
btcalpha | BTC-Alpha |
btcbox | BtcBox |
btcmarkets | BTC Markets |
btcturk | BTCTurk |
bybit | Bybit |
cex | CEX.IO |
coinbase | Coinbase Advanced |
coinbaseexchange | Coinbase Exchange |
coinbaseinternational | Coinbase International |
coincheck | coincheck |
coinex | CoinEx |
coinlist | Coinlist |
coinmate | CoinMate |
coinmetro | Coinmetro |
coinone | CoinOne |
coinsph | |
coinspot | CoinSpot |
cryptocom | |
currencycom | |
delta | |
deribit | Deribit |
digifinex | DigiFinex |
exmo | EXMO |
fmfwio | |
gate | |
gemini | Gemini |
hashkey | |
hitbtc | HitBTC |
hollaex | HollaEx |
htx | HTX |
huobijp | |
hyperliquid | Hyperliquid |
idex | IDEX |
independentreserve | Independent Reserve |
indodax | INDODAX |
kraken | Kraken |
krakenfutures | |
kucoin | KuCoin |
kucoinfutures | |
kuna | Kuna |
latoken | Latoken |
lbank | LBank |
luno | luno |
lykke | Lykke |
mercado | |
mexc | |
ndax | NDAX |
novadax | NovaDAX |
oceanex | OceanEx |
okcoin | OKCoin |
okx | OKX |
onetrading | |
oxfun | OXFUN |
p2b | p2b |
paradex | Paradex |
paymium | Paymium |
phemex | Phemex |
poloniex | Poloniex |
poloniexfutures | |
probit | ProBit |
timex | TimeX |
tokocrypto | Tokocrypto |
tradeogre | tradeogre |
upbit | Upbit |
vertex | Vertex |
wavesexchange | |
wazirx | WazirX |
whitebit | WhiteBit |
woo | WOO X |
woofipro | |
xt | XT |
yobit | YoBit |
zaif | Zaif |
zonda | Zonda |
ShieldTrade supports more the 100 crypto exchanges.
ShieldTrade exchange id is very easy to remember as it is usually the crypto exchange name written in lower case.
Now that you know your exchange id you can call st_supported_functions(“exchange_id”) and start building your crypto ai in your excel.