Crypto Excel » Explore Crypto Excel » How to Connect Crypto Excel to your Exchange.
In this article you will learn how to connect Excel to your crypto Exchange using Crypto Excel and your private API credentials.
There are 2 main functions families to connect Excel to your Crypto Exchange: public and private.
The Public function does not require any registration on the Exchange.
In practice you can access all the information you see on the website in real time without logging in. These includes
You can use all public functions immediately and without any additional requirements. Just enter =st_watch_book(“binance”,”BTC/USD”) in a cell and Crypto Excel will do the rest.
The Private functions enables typical operations of the authenticated user:
- sending orders,
- balances,
- position,
- coin transfers ecc.
If you want to use the private functions you need to authenticate first. This can be easily done with the st_instantiate function but you need to know your API credentials.
An application programming interface (API) is a computing interface that defines interactions between multiple software intermediaries ( Wikipedia ). It is a piece of code that enables data transmission between one software and another. In our case, between the Exchanges where you have your accounts and Excel.
Your API credentials consist of API Key, API Secret and, for some Exchanges, a secret password.
You can think of your API key as your Username, and your API Secret, also referred to as API Private Key, or Private Key or Secret Key, as your password.
When you use the st_instantiate function Crypto Excel transmits your credential to your Exchange for the authentication process.
Each Exchange has a specific procedure for creating APIs. Here you can find a general overview that will work in most scenarios. In case you need more help, please read the “how to connect Crypto Excel to” guide related to the Exchange you want to connect to.
Crypto Excel supports more then 100 crypto Exchanges therefore it would be impossible to write a guide for all of them. If you do not find a guide in our Academy for your specific Exchange google it or browse your exchange website.
During the above process the Exchange will ask you to verify your identity, so keep your mobile and your email handy.
Google Authenticator is generally used for 2FA (two-factor authentication). Be ready to download and use it.
If you already have an API key you must set a new one to connect Crytpto Excel to your Exchange.
The API you are creating usually have 3 permissions.
Read/View balances.
This is required for Crypto Excel to use the st_balance function and import your crypto balance into Excel.
If you want to use Crypto Excel automated trading functionality you have to select this option.
Transfer Money ( Not implemented ) .
Crypto Excel seamless integrate Excel with your crypto Exchange and it could also perform money transfer.
We decided not to implement this type of functions. If you you would like to have it contact us.
You do not need to give any money transfer permission to your API.
Some Exchanges like Kraken, offer advanced API key settings in which you can configure various rights.
As a general rule, we want all the permissions available except deposit and withdraw permissions.
Finish the API setting by clicking on Generate key or Save or Done. Some Exchanges will ask you to verify your identity by sending you an email or a code.
Some Exchanges will ask you to set a Passphrase as an extra layer of security.
After your API key, API secret and Passphrase are shown copy and past them in a secure location. For security reason you will not be able to recover them from the website.
Now that you have your credential you can authenticate your Exchange and start using Crypto Excel private function.
As an example, if you want to authenticate your account on okx and give it the nickname of Joe, and your API key is key and your API secret is 12345; you can enter in a cell
= st_Instantiate(“okx”, “joe”, “abcd”, “123”)
if the response is Joe is authenticated you can start using the private function.
Try st_balance(“joe”).
In this article we discussed how to connect Excel to your crypto Exchange using Crypto Excel and your private API credentials.
This is a general guide which will work in most cases scenario. In our academy you can find some article about how to connect Excel to a specific Exchange. We suggest you to use the exchange website in case you need more information.
Crypto Excel is a desktop application. your credential will remain on your pc. No middle man, Max security.