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How to connect Crypto Excel to Bitfinex

How to connect Crypto Excel to Bitfinex.

If you want to connect Crypto Excel to Bitfinex follow the simple steps in this guide.

There are 2 main functions families to connect Excel to Bitfinex : public and private.

The Public functions does not require any registration on the Exchange.

In practice you can access all the information you see on the Bitfinex website in real time without logging in. These includes books, trades, trades history, candles history, founding rates ecc.

You can use all public functions immediately and without any need to open an account on Bitfinex . Just enter =st_watch_book(“bitfinex “,”BTC/USDT”) in a cell and Crypto Excel will do the rest.

The Private functions enables typical operations of the authenticated user: sending orders, balances, position, coin transfers ecc.

If you want to use the private functions you need to authenticate first. This can be easily done with the st_authenticate function but you need to know your API credentials.

What you need to connect Crypto Excel to Bitfinex.

  • Bitfinex account and credentials.
  • Crypto Excel Add in.
  • Email ( the same you use for Bitfinex) account and credentials.
  • Your Mobile phone for 2FA authentication.
  • 5 minutes.

Steps to connect Crypto Excel to Bitfinex.

1. Log in to your Bitfinex desktop account.

2. Hover over your Avatar in the upper right corner and in the drop down menu click on API Keys.

Connect Crypto Excel to Bitfinex

3. Turn on the required permission (Red arrows) and write the API name ( Crypto Excel in the example but you can use any name you like) and finally click create.

bitfinex data in excel

4. Verify your account using your email and Google Authenticator or SMS depending on your security settings.

bitfinex excel add in

5. Copy an past API Key and API secret onto Crypto Excel connection form and click connect.

  Remember you will not be able to see your API secret again for security reason.

Bitfinex api Crypto Excel

Autenticate your Exchange.

Now that you have your credential you can authenticate Bitfinex and start using Crypto Excel private function.

As an example, if you want to authenticate your account and give it the nickname of Joe, and your API key is abcd and your API secret is 12345; you can enter in a cell

= st_authenticate(“bitfinex”, “joe”, “abcd”, “123”)

if the response is Joe is authenticated you can start using the private function.

Try st_balance(“joe”).

Read our academy for more private functions.

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